Use this step by step explanation to craft a good employee performance feedback review for a civil engineering manager. Find the right words with quality phrases.
A civil engineering manager is responsible for leading other junior civil engineers and technicians as they develop, update, and test different civil projects. The manager acts as the overall overseer on the engineering team and he/she is widely consulted by their juniors.
His/her primary responsibilities include leading and supervising civil engineers, technicians, and scientists who work on civil projects. They also oversee the quality control of the projects, examine drawings of the projects, and provide further insights. Furthermore, they provide guidelines on the materials, resources, expertise, and any other requirements of a particular civil project. Other duties include recruitment and conducting performance reviews among other administration responsibilities.
Addresses underlying causes of low participation; finds out why a group member is not fulfilling the assigned role or barely attending meetings
Develops a vision statement that reiterates the importance of collaboration, shared values, and inclusion in the workplace
Thanks group members for their active contribution and makes sure to start a Thank You comment with a positive reinforcement
Makes sure that every group member has a chance to contribute ideas and that discussion is not dominated by one or two people
Dresses well, looks sharp and conducts oneself respectfully in order to make a good first impression when meeting potential business partners
Takes a close look at the resources and network that one already has in place and creates new opportunities from them
Helps others determine their personal goals and work on them seriously
Displays a high degree of tenacity in working with the teams to deliver quality work
Enjoys working with others on different projects to bring out the potential within
Always wears a smile while serving others no matter the situation
Gets out of the workplace during lunch hour in order to feel refreshed and more productive in the afternoon
Takes time to organize one's desk in order to ease the sense of losing control that comes from too much clutter
Breaks down a problem into its specific components instead of dealing with it as a whole
Asks questions about the situation and about the person who caused it and tries to look for answers to these questions
Analyzes and defines a problem, evaluates alternatives, finds a solution and decides how and when to implement the solution
Is able to manage competing priorities and meet tight deadlines effectively
Makes good strategic decisions, looks for good opportunities and makes efforts to overcome competition
Makes efforts to adjust and respond more quickly to new trends
Shows willingness to learn more math skills to improve on the ability to analyze problems and design solutions
Understands how to assemble some machine parts and seeks for assistance when faced with challenges
Can you give the best example of a time when you worked cooperatively as a team member to complete an important task?
Describe a time when you have had to work with a difficult team member. How did you handle it?
Is there a time when you have faced challenges when coordinating a group? How did you overcome the challenges?
Can you describe a project that required major input from other employees? Who did you choose to work with you and why?
How do you make sure to keep in touch with a new contact after the first meeting?
What value have you added to the new connections you have made? How do you make them feel part of your team?
Do you consult the rest of the management before you make decisions?
Do you delight in developing others? capability and making them better?
Do you play the role of a peace ambassador in the workplace or you enjoy stirring conflicts?
Do you choose who to support and who not to offer assistance?
Can you give examples of some of the things you have done to prevent a situation from becoming too stressful for you to handle?
What steps have you followed in the past to avoid distractions at work and remain positive-minded?
Describe a project that went wrong due to poor practical thinking strategies. How did the problem occur and how did you solve it?
How have you involved others in practical thinking? Give an example of the last time you did this at work
What communication plans have you used to convey an important message to your team? How have you confirmed the accuracy of information received or sent?
In your opinion, what do you think is the most important quality of a project manager? Explain you answer
What efforts are you making to increase your understanding about current business trends?
Can you think of a new trend that caught you unawares and how did you respond?
What are you doing to improve your math skills and apply them in analyzing problems and designing solutions?
How often do you undergo training on using computer aided design to enhance your ability to design machines?
Sections 1-4: To be completed by the supervisor
Section 5: To be completed by the employee
1. Exceeds Job Related Expectations
2. Areas to improve
3. Goals completed since last performance feedback
4. Goals for next period
5. Employee comments